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FactoryTalk View

FactoryTalk View


FactoryTalk® software is built for supporting an ecosystem of advanced industrial applications, including IoT. It all starts at the edge where manufacturing happens and scales from on-premise to cloud. Imagine supercharging your industrial environment with software that offers cutting edge design, maximizes operational efficiencies, and delivers predictive and augmented maintenance advantages.

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Expiry period 6 Months
Made in English
Last updated at Wed Jul 2023
Total lectures 7
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 00:00:00 Hours
Total enrolment 84
Number of reviews 2
Avg rating
Short description FactoryTalk® software is built for supporting an ecosystem of advanced industrial applications, including IoT. It all starts at the edge where manufacturing happens and scales from on-premise to cloud. Imagine supercharging your industrial environment with software that offers cutting edge design, maximizes operational efficiencies, and delivers predictive and augmented maintenance advantages.
  • Headphone + Pc + Virtual Practice